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Planning Board Minutes 08/05/2004
(603) 798-4350

AUGUST 5, 2004

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Tom Jameson, Skip Lawrence, Peter Wade, Fred Chagnon and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of July 1, 2004. Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                Lawrence/Stamowlaros            (Passed)

        Site Review – New Business              
Continued from July 1, 2004     Storage Units
        Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road

Abutter Robert Shaw was again in attendance.

Mr. Drew did not attend. Continue to September 2, 2004

        Elderly Housing
        Map 3, Lot 68B, Trap and Dover Road

Abutters Present: Shirley Waters, Jim & Laura Rogers, Claire & Bruce Merrill, Arthur & Barbara Abbott

Mr. Austin along with Surveyor Webb Stout presented plans to the Board. This is a revised plan as of today. Mr. Austin addressed each item in the three letters from the town engineers office. Chairman Scott is concerned that neither this Board nor the abutters have had time enough to review the final plans.

Design Review was closed.


        Elderly Housing
        Map 3, Lot 68B, Trap and Dover Road

Abutters Present: Shirley Waters, Jim & Laura Rogers, Claire & Bruce Merrill, Arthur & Barbara Abbott

Mr. Austin presented final plans for the project. Abutters were asked to review the plans and ask questions. Questions on age limitation and the contracts being made available to the town for review. Chairman Scott assured the abutters that the town attorney would be asked to review the association contracts.

Concerns about a buffer being placed around the houses to protect the abutting property.

The driveway permit issued by DOT District 5 states driveway will be built to specifications on the submitted plan. The plan has changed now several times and the Board is requesting Mr. Austin to go back to District 5 for a new permit with the adjusted plans.

The following items are pending: driveway permit from DOT District 5, state septic approval and site specific permits.

Motion was made to continue until September 2, 2004

       Brehm/McIntosh          (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Barlow Homes/Joseph Wehrle property
        Map 1, Lot 5, Short Falls Road

Mr. Dumont and Mr. Randy Brown presented the Board with plans for this subdivision. A question arose about the 100-foot setback from any land use change. Chairman Scott explained that we are holding to the wording of the zoning on, “any land use change”, and a septic system is a change, therefore it is considered in the 100 foot setback. We have followed that rule and will continue to follow it until the Zoning can be changed in March 2005.

The existing Short Falls Road needs to be reviewed by the Town engineer.

Wetlands scientists stamp needs to be on the plan as well as a planning board signature block.

Public Hearing set for September 2, 2004, Escrow account will be set at $1,500.00.

DISCUSSION:     Paul & Patricia Nicolaisen
        Multi Unit Home
        Map 3, Lot 38-4, Harvest Road

Mr. & Mrs. Nicolaisen presented the Board with drawings of how they would like to proceed with their property and build a garage with apartment upstairs and attach it to the main house. The Board was in agreement that the property meets the requirement of frontage and acreage.

Concerns about multi unit when this area was intended for single family homes. The Selectmen would have to decide on the impact fee issue and building permit. If this property is grandfathered for a single-family residence do they need to get inline for a permit for the second unit and are they in fact grandfathered on the impact fee for the second unit.

DISCUSSION:     Patricia Neville/George Gorman Property
        Site Review - Private Club
        Map 3, Lot 41, Dover Road

Ms. Neville had to leave early she rescheduled for September 2, 2004 before she left.

DISCUSSION:     Lloyd Browner
        Subdivision – with Epsom
        Rt. 4 to Hillview Drive
Did not attend, no action taken.

DISCUSSION:     Ken Andrews – Hillcrest Campground
        Would like to Build a House
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road
Did not attend, no action taken.

DISCUSSION:     Michael Purvis
        Home Occupation
        Auto Dealer to buy and sell autos.
        Map 9, Lot 9, Perry Brook Road

Mr. Purvis would like to have a home occupation to buy and sell automobiles. He will not have dealer plates and will only have one (1) unregistered vehicle on his property at a time.

He will provide the Board with a drawing of the property and a list of Abutters, Public Hearing set for September 2, 2004.


DISCUSSION:     Mike Cooney – Concord Motorsports
        Map 4, Lot 166, Dover Road

Mr. Cooney was asked to submit a Plan of the existing property for recording at the Registry of Deeds, the plan submitted was just the buildings.  The Board requested that his surveyor add the following items: pavement, parking, signage, signature block, dimensions of the buildings and eliminate the line and wording of the proposed addition.

When the plans arrive Chairman Scott will review and they will be recorded.

DISCUSSION:     New Items

Driveway permits. Richard will put a draft together for board approval next month.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the Non public meeting of July 20, 2004.

        DeBold/Lawrence         (Passed)

The minutes were signed by Chairman Scott to be delivered to the Selectmen for their approval.

Office hours: Should this be something to look into, there seem to be a lot of people around during the day.

Master Plan needs to be printed. The Board thought that Richard was going to have it done, apparently the money in the warrant was only for 2003, Andrea to review her budget and see what can be done, we just might not be able to have as many bound covered copies as suggested.

Again there are lighting issues and Richard will work on the wording to try to correct.

Letter to be sent to the Selectmen, on Avcomm – Cronis property paving and rentals. Martineau paving, temporary signs at Chichester Commons on Route 4 and Holmes Carpets on Route 28.

Motion to adjourn.

        Lawrence/McIntosh               (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:10pm
                                                Respectfully submitted,


Tracy Scott